Thursday, February 10, 2011

One month

We have had the girls one month. I can't believe it a whole month.
We are getting into a good routine, two naps and lots of playtime for them to work on upper body strength and rolling over techniques( it really is an art, rolling over and not rolling on their arms too). They are learning to interact more with each other, it usually entails one stealing the others toy or falling over on each other. The other day they were holding hands and then Phoebe was putting her fingers in paige's mouth while she laughed.
I have only a few pictures because my camera has been in the shop since we got home. More to come soon.


China Dreams said...

The description of their behavior is very sweet, and I love the stroller shot-their hair has already grown out a lot! Glad you've got a schedule now.


Linda and John said...

They are very cute!

Mary Ellen said...

Karen, they are getting so cute and growing. Which one is in purple....I have difficulty telling them apart. It's amazing what lots of love, cuddling, routine and good food does in their little lives doesn't it? How is Nate doing with them now that you are getting into a routine?

Anonymous said...

Paige is in purple on the left.
Nate is doing better with the girls, he even gives them kisses on the head once in a while, then he will rip the toy out of their hands. Just to show who is in charge! haha

Mary Ellen said...

The first picture you posted of them on the first day that you met your girls, they were just two little girls lost in a great big world. Now these beautiful little girls have smiles and are so blessed to have had you, Paul and Nate become a great big part of their lives and best of all, these little girls will get to know the one and only true God thru you both.

Erica said...

Hi there Karen! Just wanted to say that it's been so much fun catching up on your blog :-) I have LOVED reading the last few that I missed and seeing how the girls are growing! I really can't believe it's been one month that you've had them. WOW how time flies!

I hope things are going good for you all. I think about you ALL the time and lift you up in prayer often. It was so nice being able to see you all for a few minutes that one evening. Just to give you a hug and see your beautiful girls was so nice :-)

Call me if you need anything. I'm not far and would be happy to help :-)

Talk to you later!
