Just found this awesome site and wanted to share it with those few that are still following.:) It's called esalon and it's a new way to do hair color. I have read that many salon owners are a little upset at this site and what it offers because the color is blended for your hair alone, the same as a salon would do.
You go to the site and answer a few questions about yourself, what is your natural color, what color you like to use when you color your hair and how often. it makes a profile and you are ready to order your color just like that. the best part is that for $19.95 there is a colorist that will review your info, answer questions you want to ask now, they blend your color (put your name on the bottle):) and ship it to your home. No more going to the store and standing in the hair color aisle to choose your color. The colorist are also available for questions if you have any when you start the process.
I know, the price is a bit higher than the boxes you buy in the stores, but here is the best part, if you click on the link below you can get your first order for $9.95 with money back guarantee!
Happy coloring!
click here for special offer