As of yesterday, august 5th 2009 we have been waiting 1175 days OR 3 years, 2months and 18 days, OR 167 weeks.
there is a site that calculates the wait time with mathematical equations and they estimate at the current rate we will get our referral sept 10 2010 (that's my birthday!). That is 58 days of dossiers to be processed before they get to ours. China is currently processing about 3.1 days of dossiers each month. Currently they have placed children through March 22, 2006. Our LID is May 19, 2006.
Another year and 1 month more to wait to get our China baby. I am hoping that the speed up that so many agencies are talking about will happen this fall and we can get our referral in March/April 2010.
right now there are families stuck in china because the CDC has made a change that if a child is tested for TB and the chest x ray and sputum test is positive that they have to stay in china for 46 days to get treatment before they can travel home or leave the baby they have attached to back in the orphanage again until the treatment is complete. With this and the swine flu and now a new disease in Tibet there are a lot of worries about travel and some delays too.