Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Went to carrefour, a store much like walmart. It's a two story building, it sells clothes, household goods and food. It's big and colorful, decorated for Chinese new year. Nate fell asleep as soon as we entered the building. Every person we passed looked at him and smiled, he was still in his coat and hat and he was rock'n a pair of sunglasses. I think people found his glasses humorous.

It was so much fun just looking at all the products in the store. Recognizing the shape and color of items but not able to read the Chinese writing on them. Very popular items had both US and Chinese on them like Tide, Evian, coke and Cadbury. One strange thing was the raw meat was out in bins, people were touching and inspecting pieces then throwing it back in. That would never fly in the US!(pic 3)

Going sightseeing tomorrow, learning to make dumplings, eating our creations for lunch, go to the summer palace, visit a hutong--an old village, then peking duck for dinner. Lots of outside stuff tomorrow, pray we stay warm!
Here are a few pictures of our trip to the store.


Mary Ellen said...

Karen, thanks for posting pictures. When I saw the open meat, I thought yuk with all the hands touching it. Sounds like you have adjusted well with no jet lag. The first thing I do is log on to see if you have added info on your trip. Stay warm and well.

Linda and John said...

Yes, the Carrefour, it all looks so familiar!! How lucky you are that blogger isn't blocked like it was for us.

China Dreams said...

Oh, yeah, I remember the meat. I couldn't actually stay in that area because even though it was refrigerated, I could smell it. But I did love exploring the grocery store as a rule.
