Thursday, August 18, 2011


the girls are really getting good at saying my name, MOMMA! they say it often, and they can even scream it pretty loud too. they practically sing it as a song, mom-mum-mommaahh! they aren't saying too many words really, they do a bit of sign language, but their two favorite words are momma and uh-oh!

in the last few weeks they have each fallen in love with a stuffed animal. Paige found her sheepy first and then Phoebe found her panda bear. they just love their stuffed animals and can't be away from them for very long. they especially love to cuddle and sleep with their babies. the most adorable part is, they take turns finding the others animal and handing it to her sister to help make her happy. They will give their baby a kiss and then giggle with happiness. They are so sweet to each other.


Mary Ellen said...

They just get cuter with each picture that you post. I certainly have no problem understanding how you are just soooooo in love with them. Beautiful little girls

China Dreams said...

That is precious, that they are comforted by and loving to, their own "babies" and to one another. I laughed when I read their second favorite word :)


Anonymous said...

Your twins are adorable; I went with my son & wife in June/July to adopt 11 month twin girls in China. They are doing well and are also very cute.....