Friday, June 25, 2010


well it's june 2010 and the weeks are going by so slowly now. the last batch came out june7th and i can barely wait for the next. that should be around july 6th-ish. We are praying that this will be a good month with a good number of referrals, however, the rumors are that in the past they have always ended on the last day of the month. that would mean that they would only get to april 31 or may 1st. that's another 4-5 days of referrals, but a really small batch and most of the beginning of may is empty due to a holiday in 2006. so it's any ones guess how far they will get. Please pray with us that our baby is safe and loved, healthy and strong. we are praying that we get our referral on or before October 2010. It is so hard to get our hopes up again, we have been disappointed so many times in the past, but we believe that the Lord will provide continued patience and strength. we are so close, we are so close now!