Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We are here

We made it to our hotel. We got in around 2pm. The Beijing airport is huge and beautiful. As you walk to get your luggage they use equipment to scan your body temp. To make sure you were not coming into the country sick. We got our luggage and found our guide and we were off on the drive to our hotel. We got many many looks as we walked with Nate, I think they must believe he is chinese.

It is cold here, about 23degree when we arrived. While driving in, there were many huge 20 story buildings that were all homes/ apartments. The sun sets at around 3:30pm, it was dark by 4:30pm. It made for staying up really hard. We have been up since about 2am. Last night Nate was asking us, PLEASE, can I go to bed...that's a first. Off to get breakfast now.
I will update more later.
Love to all


Anonymous said...

I have been praying and keeping all of you in my thoughts. Please give Nate a huge hug for me and I konw that this weekend will be such a Blessing! Keep warm and stay safe.
Mrs. Cheryl

China Dreams said...

Glad you made it safely,
